m.angelovic: time for norwegian beauty
m.angelovic: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WTrNsAsjEmY
m.angelovic: Haegefjell,Nissedal
m.angelovic: Hollane, Lifjell
m.angelovic: somewhere, in the middle of No(r)way
m.angelovic: get sea kayak, rule the world...(:D)
m.angelovic: in nature, one is never alone
m.angelovic: the best moments are unplanned...
m.angelovic: loots of playful evenings
m.angelovic: Seljordsvatn
m.angelovic: dance dance in the mountains
m.angelovic: let the air embrace you
m.angelovic: Skorve
m.angelovic: put some yoga into your life :-)
m.angelovic: southernmost
m.angelovic: Hardangervidda, Norway
m.angelovic: charming world of Hardangervidda
m.angelovic: little bit of Oslo
m.angelovic: Vøringfossen in winter
m.angelovic: lunch in Mosdalsbu hytte
m.angelovic: above the lake Ringedalsvatnet