weslowik: Those Christmas Lights 20160105
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weslowik: The Snow Cometh 20160112
weslowik: The Snow Cometh 20160112 -02
weslowik: Sunrise through the window ice 20160112
weslowik: Sunrise through the window ice 20160112 -02
weslowik: Elvis celebrates his birthday 2016
weslowik: The Cold Wind 20160118
weslowik: Tracks in the night 20160121
weslowik: Sunrise 20160121
weslowik: Sunset through glass block 20160129
weslowik: Sunset through glass block 20160129 -02
weslowik: Ice Block Against Bricks 20160130
weslowik: Crescent Moon 20160211
weslowik: Crescent Moon 20160211 -02
weslowik: Crescent Moon 20160211 -03