Aperture111: Marktplatz Greifswald
Aperture111: Fußgängerbrücke über den Ryck im Greifswalder Museumshafen
Aperture111: Ostseite des Greifswalder Marktplatzes mit backsteingotischem Giebelhaus
Aperture111: Greifswalder Museumshafen am Fluss Ryck
Aperture111: old fishing boat "Tortuga"
Aperture111: Marktplatz Greifswald
Aperture111: Marktplatz Greifswald
Aperture111: Museumshafen Greifswald
Aperture111: Museumshafen Greifswald
Aperture111: Greifswalder Museumshafen am Fluss Ryck
Aperture111: Sailing boat on the river Ryck near Greifswald
Aperture111: Graffiti in the old town of Greifswald
Aperture111: Old town of Greifswald
Aperture111: Old house in Greifswald
Aperture111: Old building of the volunteer fire department Greifswald
Aperture111: St. Marien Kirche in Greifswald
Aperture111: Jahn-Gymnasium Greifswald
Aperture111: Nordmole (Greifswald-Wieck)
Aperture111: Greifswald
Aperture111: Historical Building in Greifswald
Aperture111: Wieck (Ortsteil von Greifswald)