auntjojo: Barnacles
auntjojo: Tide Pool
auntjojo: Flock of Pelicans
auntjojo: Feeding the Llama
auntjojo: Cathy with the Llamas
auntjojo: Llamas at Machu Picchu
auntjojo: La Raya
auntjojo: Garfield Koi Pond
auntjojo: Not South Enough
auntjojo: Deer in Winter
auntjojo: Jungle Ants
auntjojo: First Robin of Spring
auntjojo: Cemetery Beth El
auntjojo: Lady Bug in Reg
auntjojo: Deer at North Park Nature Center
auntjojo: Butterfly on Rocks
auntjojo: Pelicans Huddled for Warmth
auntjojo: Pelicans by Railroad Bridge
auntjojo: Bee on Pink 2
auntjojo: Monarch Among Flowers 2
auntjojo: Dragonfly by the Pond
auntjojo: Dragon Flies in Summer
auntjojo: Summer Robin
auntjojo: Mom and Mike with Elk
auntjojo: What Are You Looking At?
auntjojo: Resting in the Shade
auntjojo: Yummy
auntjojo: Elk Near Fence
auntjojo: Elk in Profile