falldownquick: roadside reflector
falldownquick: detail of a tree
falldownquick: metal bath in a field
falldownquick: lucozade bottle by a dirty road
falldownquick: 0800 hours Lemington Spa
falldownquick: on the balcony, overlookin' the river lovely
falldownquick: 'Smokin' ' Derek, apprehensive but sexy before free music session
falldownquick: 'Low End' Pete with ghostly bass
falldownquick: shoe and box and soy
falldownquick: silver plaster at oxford circus
falldownquick: bin with bannana
falldownquick: blue rubber gloves
falldownquick: not sure what this was
falldownquick: bass arms at rest
falldownquick: stoner poster wall at internet radio station
falldownquick: yellow bottles on toilet
falldownquick: towel and skin
falldownquick: towel and bed
falldownquick: dirty blue door in bathroom
falldownquick: pants and wire
falldownquick: declaration