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work in progress by SarahZ 85
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SarahZ 85
"I'm quilting in sunshine, ohh, I'm quilting in sunshine, ohh ohh ohh...and don't it feel good!!" :)
SarahZ 85
A little Saturday play....
SarahZ 85
We're doin' this!!!
SarahZ 85
Some days are good.... :)
SarahZ 85
Unforeseen detour of scrappy magnitude this weekend...
SarahZ 85
Oh yeah...we got this!
SarahZ 85
Surely I can make this work...
SarahZ 85
Rosy Parfait
SarahZ 85
Color of the Day? PINK!
SarahZ 85
Icy Parfait? Yes please!!
SarahZ 85
Icy Parfait? Yes please!!
SarahZ 85
some Terrain, some Honey Honey, some Riley Blake gingham
SarahZ 85
A very loose plan for these...
SarahZ 85
Okay, maybe 4 blocks/2 fabrics per month...
SarahZ 85
The quilting has begun! Yay! My Great Grandmother's Dresdens...what a precious honor!
SarahZ 85
Itty bitty! Would that make these "egg timer" blocks, instead of "hourglass"? :)
SarahZ 85
SarahZ 85
New project, overdue I think. For my Uncle
SarahZ 85
New project, overdue I think. For my Uncle
SarahZ 85
SarahZ 85
Still messin around....
SarahZ 85
More decisions.......
SarahZ 85
More decisions.......
SarahZ 85
More decisions.......
SarahZ 85
SarahZ 85
Figures 4-patches
SarahZ 85
Having some fun on a cold winter's day, Figure-atively speaking ;)
SarahZ 85
Getting my Orange on!!! :)
SarahZ 85
Finished quilt top!
SarahZ 85
more Prairie Roses :)
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