Kelko585: "What have they done to you Padmé!?"
Kelko585: New New Jek 14 profile pic
Kelko585: The god of thunder
Kelko585: Wild west robo
Kelko585: Unicorn girl
Kelko585: New Jek-14 profile picture
Kelko585: Cristmas aftermath
Kelko585: "No, I don't thiknk you will fit in!"
Kelko585: Something fishy...
Kelko585: Enter the gingerbread house
Kelko585: Unlimeted power!
Kelko585: Jek-14 helping with christmas cooking
Kelko585: Jek-14 helping with christmas cooking
Kelko585: Fire Kay
Kelko585: Ice Zane
Kelko585: Happy birthday to ME!!!
Kelko585: At the imperial intelignece center
Kelko585: Organizing some easter eggs
Kelko585: "Come on guys, roll it over there!"
Kelko585: "Omigoshashadowguard!"
Kelko585: Imperial guide to easter vol. 1: How to open enormous eggs.
Kelko585: "Halt, this box is off limits!"
Kelko585: "Come in Agent, all your equipment and luggage is here."
Kelko585: "So, what now..."
Kelko585: Watering some imperial plants
Kelko585: "Your weapons are loaded and ready sir."
Kelko585: "Look guys, it's Smuggler's bounty!"
Kelko585: "Your prototype armor should be ready to go in just few moments sir."(alt.)
Kelko585: "Your prototype armor should be ready to go in just few moments sir."
Kelko585: "...well, I shall be taking my leave now. Take care and don't forget to check the troops ftom tome to time."