LaurelShoemaker: South Indian Style
LaurelShoemaker: Nate after club 8 throwdown
LaurelShoemaker: Emily's Birthday on Buffalo Lake
LaurelShoemaker: Buffalo Lake
LaurelShoemaker: Laura, Emily, Me, and our Hindi Tutor Tabbu
LaurelShoemaker: The Studio Gang
LaurelShoemaker: my favorite artists
LaurelShoemaker: Mr. Das (birthday dinner!)
LaurelShoemaker: Oh Campus!
LaurelShoemaker: Final Painting
LaurelShoemaker: Gopes, hangout spot on campus
LaurelShoemaker: Tabbussom, my Hindi Tutor
LaurelShoemaker: Main Gate, Campus
LaurelShoemaker: Studying at Tagore hostel
LaurelShoemaker: Hindi essay on Indian Food. It's enthralling.
LaurelShoemaker: Chandrakal kids
LaurelShoemaker: Playing soccer!
LaurelShoemaker: Buffalo Lake, lumpy dry part
LaurelShoemaker: Folk Culture Building, where I learned Hindi
LaurelShoemaker: Chai stand, sugarcane juice station, hip spot on campus
LaurelShoemaker: the Termite hills on campus
LaurelShoemaker: Social sciences building
LaurelShoemaker: post office
LaurelShoemaker: water tractor- beware
LaurelShoemaker: University of Hyderabad Campus
LaurelShoemaker: blossoms on campus
LaurelShoemaker: Chandrakal kids, coloring time!
LaurelShoemaker: Lunch with the kids
LaurelShoemaker: So cute.