mastodont: McCormick-Janes Ravine, Lake County, Illinois
mastodont: "Careful on that bottom step"
mastodont: Fort Sheridan, Lake County, Illinois
mastodont: "The great inland sea, and the breezes it generates, imprint the souls of those who live at its edge" --- Raymond Wiggers
mastodont: Blue Flag Irises, Lake County, Illinois
mastodont: Fort Sheridan Preserve, Lake County, Illinois
mastodont: Fort Sheridan Preserve, Lake County, Illinois
mastodont: Fort Sheridan Preserve (again), Lake County, Illinois
mastodont: Equinox Sunrise, Lake County, Illinois
mastodont: Fort Sheridan at First Light, Lake County, Illinois
mastodont: Fort Sheridan Preserve, Lake County, Illinois
mastodont: Fort Sheridan Preserve, Lake County, Illinois
mastodont: Fort Sheridan Preserve, Lake County, Illinois
mastodont: Fort Sheridan, Lake County, Illinois
mastodont: Fort Sheridan Preserve, Lake County, Illinois
mastodont: Fort Sheridan Preserve, Lake County, Illinois
mastodont: Fort Sheridan Preserve, Lake County, Illinois
mastodont: Fort Sheridan Preserve, Lake County, Illinois
mastodont: Fort Sheridan Preserve, Lake County, Illinois
mastodont: Fort Sheridan Preserve, Lake County, Illinois
mastodont: Fort Sheridan Preserve, Lake County, Illinois
mastodont: Fort Sheridan Preserve, Lake County, Illinois
mastodont: Fort Sheridan Preserve, Lake County, Illinois
mastodont: Fort Sheridan Preserve, Lake County, Illinois
mastodont: Fort Sheridan Preserve, Lake County, Illinois
mastodont: Fort Sheridan Preserve, Lake County, Illinois
mastodont: Fort Sheridan Preserve, Lake County, Illinois.
mastodont: Fort Sheridan Preserve, Lake County, Illinois
mastodont: Lake Michigan
mastodont: Ice Fields