orangecapri: . . . y + y
orangecapri: . . . HFF 19
orangecapri: . . . y
orangecapri: . . . bw + y 2
orangecapri: . . . bw + y
orangecapri: . . . in a sea of colour
orangecapri: . . . in a sea of yellow
orangecapri: . . . full of the joy's of spring
orangecapri: . . . R G B Y R
orangecapri: . . . keep on smiling ( now you're really living). . . flight of the bumblebee 2
orangecapri: . . . flight of the bumblebee
orangecapri: . . . sungod
orangecapri: . . . they are above us
orangecapri: . . . y + y part 2