maltmonkey: Spot the Be Kind sticker from last year
maltmonkey: Cave to myself, probably because it is 65 degrees
maltmonkey: Cathedral Cave, Nina for size reference
maltmonkey: Bermuda feral chicken.
maltmonkey: Nina in Cathedral Cave
maltmonkey: 9 types of parrot fish over here, 24" long
maltmonkey: One of several caves, Walshingham Park Bermuda
maltmonkey: Blue Hole. Totally clear water to the bottom at 40'
maltmonkey: 24" parrot fish
maltmonkey: Mangroves at Blue Hole
maltmonkey: Cathedral Cave at Grotto Bay
maltmonkey: Who needs some lunch?
maltmonkey: Towne Hall. St. George's, Bermuda
maltmonkey: Pretty good view of water and Coney Island, Bermuda
maltmonkey: Moved to east end, Grotto Bay
maltmonkey: Giant banyan tree on property
maltmonkey: A lonely kiskadee
maltmonkey: Hanging with Eric again
maltmonkey: A good day on the putt-putt links
maltmonkey: Owner got in on it, we donated the hat!
maltmonkey: Brought an old hat for Jonah
maltmonkey: Dinner at Mad Hatter's, almost killed us
maltmonkey: Pat bought this one
maltmonkey: Massive canvas, $55,000 and it's yours
maltmonkey: Jonah's show
maltmonkey: Beach to ourselves
maltmonkey: Cambridge Beaches
maltmonkey: Mangrove Bay, our beach
maltmonkey: Bermuda!
maltmonkey: Rain. We don't care it's Bermuda