maltmonkey: Abandoned over 100 years ago
maltmonkey: Surprise sneak Pic! Happy birthday!
maltmonkey: Lotta sky
maltmonkey: Hawaii abandoned
maltmonkey: Tin roof.....rusted.
maltmonkey: Beach door
maltmonkey: View never gets old
maltmonkey: Lazy beach day looking for mudskippers
maltmonkey: Gorgeous critter
maltmonkey: Short-billed spearfish off Kona coast
maltmonkey: Wave your flag!
maltmonkey: Short billed spearfish off Kona coast
maltmonkey: Tag-along friend, a remora!
maltmonkey: Nailed it
maltmonkey: On the water
maltmonkey: Soothing
maltmonkey: Miss having these plants
maltmonkey: Just gorgeous
maltmonkey: Orange and lime trees
maltmonkey: Trumpet plants
maltmonkey: Wild boar trap
maltmonkey: The view!
maltmonkey: Lovely at 1,400 feet
maltmonkey: Old jade plants
maltmonkey: Every day?!?
maltmonkey: Showers at sunset
maltmonkey: Black Sand Beach, Hawaii
maltmonkey: Goofball on Black Sand Beach
maltmonkey: Ran across this guy. Black Sand Beach down south
maltmonkey: Well hello!