maltmonkey: Barley
maltmonkey: Field of Merit 57 ready to harvest
maltmonkey: Good looking barley
maltmonkey: Barley field not quite ready
maltmonkey: 2017-07-21_01-17-49
maltmonkey: The Willwood Dam way downstream
maltmonkey: 2017-07-21_01-16-48
maltmonkey: Second largest dam in the US
maltmonkey: 2017-07-21_01-15-44
maltmonkey: Boom!
maltmonkey: Downstream
maltmonkey: Lotta water stacked up
maltmonkey: Buffalo Bill Dam
maltmonkey: Lotta animal heads
maltmonkey: Cheesy shootout gunslingers in Cody, WY
maltmonkey: Everybody gunned down everybody
maltmonkey: Howdy partner!
maltmonkey: The quaint 4 bedroom Briess cabin
maltmonkey: View from our log cabin
maltmonkey: Panorama in Ralston, WY
maltmonkey: The small bins hold 100,000 bu each
maltmonkey: Bins in Ralston
maltmonkey: The Briess Grain Elevator in Ralston, WY
maltmonkey: Loves me some WY
maltmonkey: This giant bobblehead was my roommate