maltmonkey: 2016-05-27_05-27-09
maltmonkey: Fishing sandwiches at the ready
maltmonkey: Hello Discovery Bay!
maltmonkey: Not interested
maltmonkey: Spot prawns today!
maltmonkey: FlippityFlappy.
maltmonkey: Lou counting 1 of 75
maltmonkey: Cold blustery day but worth it.
maltmonkey: Delicioso!!
maltmonkey: Ate these dudes too...
maltmonkey: On the flats in Chimicum, WA
maltmonkey: 35mph wind was wrong
maltmonkey: If you want fresh Manila clams ya gotta go get em!
maltmonkey: Delightful indeed
maltmonkey: Are these edible???
maltmonkey: Fresh.
maltmonkey: Double yum
maltmonkey: On the grill!