maltmonkey: Vancouver Island from air - video
maltmonkey: landing back at Renton Seaport - video
maltmonkey: Video - wiggly tuna
maltmonkey: Last catch of 2013 - Labor Day
maltmonkey: Taco dog went crazy!
maltmonkey: netted!
maltmonkey: Last fishing of the season
maltmonkey: "blood on the streets, it's up to my ankles"
maltmonkey: happy fishwife
maltmonkey: packaging back at Moutcha Bay
maltmonkey: Gorgeous albacore tuna
maltmonkey: I call this "Nina fancy shoe and tuna"
maltmonkey: where are the body bags?
maltmonkey: shiny unhappy people
maltmonkey: box o' feesh
maltmonkey: chilly dudes
maltmonkey: oh yea!
maltmonkey: these tuna look like penguins
maltmonkey: 40 miles off shore and it's that flat?!?
maltmonkey: "gotta bleed 'em!"
maltmonkey: tasty
maltmonkey: ice ice baby
maltmonkey: Scott loves this stuff!
maltmonkey: Happy fisherdude
maltmonkey: I can't get enough of these pics.
maltmonkey: good looking critter
maltmonkey: seasoned pro!
maltmonkey: the first few...
maltmonkey: freshest sushi you'll ever see