Ghost Toon:
John Swett High School
Ghost Toon:
John Swett High School
Ghost Toon:
John Swett Auditorum steps
Ghost Toon:
John Swett
Ghost Toon:
John Swett High School
Ghost Toon:
John Swett
Ghost Toon:
John Swett High School
Ghost Toon:
The Deck
Ghost Toon:
Second Tunnel to Carquinez Middle School
Ghost Toon:
John Swett
Ghost Toon:
John Swett
Ghost Toon:
John Swett
Ghost Toon:
Alternet Tunnle to Carquniez Middle School
Ghost Toon:
Tunnel to Carquinez Middle School
Ghost Toon:
John Swett
Ghost Toon:
John Swett
Ghost Toon:
John Swett
Ghost Toon:
Rolph Ave Sidewalk
Ghost Toon:
John Swett
Ghost Toon:
John Swett High Auto Shop
Ghost Toon:
Second Tunnel to Carquinez Middle School
Ghost Toon:
John Swett
Ghost Toon:
John Swett
Ghost Toon:
John Swett
Ghost Toon:
John Swett
Ghost Toon:
John Swett
Ghost Toon:
John Swett
Ghost Toon:
John Swett High School
Ghost Toon:
John Swett High School
Ghost Toon:
Outside JSHS Auditorum