thalasin: Drink your chocolate!
thalasin: So much goodness in such a small shop
thalasin: Nice color
thalasin: One for Kristin
thalasin: Where to now?
thalasin: Thirsty
thalasin: Flexcar
thalasin: Only in Portland
thalasin: View of Mt. Hood from our room
thalasin: View from the room
thalasin: Breakfast
thalasin: Zoobomb pile
thalasin: Farmer's mkt at PSU
thalasin: CIMG1114
thalasin: Information, please
thalasin: Veggie valet?
thalasin: BIG mushrooms
thalasin: Care for a chanterelle?
thalasin: Shrooms
thalasin: Portland State U campus
thalasin: Bridge up!
thalasin: Elephant ears, anyone?
thalasin: Foliage
thalasin: Japanese gardens
thalasin: CIMG1128
thalasin: CIMG1129
thalasin: CIMG1130
thalasin: Portland skyline and Mt. Hood
thalasin: Mt. Hood
thalasin: More Portland color