Recurvirostra: 9-23-23 - Billy Frank Jr. Nisqually National Wildlife Refuge - visitor's center
Recurvirostra: 9-23-23 - A Field Guide to birds seen from the Visitor's Center shows seasonal distributions!
Recurvirostra: 9-23-23 - Diane, Margery, Greg, and Faye
Recurvirostra: 9-23-23 - First bird noted at the Visitor's Center was this Great Blue Heron
Recurvirostra: 9-23-23 - Once on the trails, we spotted a tree full of Cedar Waxwings!
Recurvirostra: 9-23-23 - Newly arrived winter Robin from Canada
Recurvirostra: 9-23-23 - Canada Geese, probably not from Canada
Recurvirostra: 9-23-23 - Starlings everywhere
Recurvirostra: 9-23-23 - A landmark tree with a little bit of sunshine peeking through before the promised rain
Recurvirostra: 9-23-23 - A tree full of 2 types of Chickadees, but only a CBCH showed up in the shot
Recurvirostra: 9-23-23 - Here's that Chestnut-backed Chickadee checking us out
Recurvirostra: 9-23-23 - Forgot what these berries are! Can you help?
Recurvirostra: 9-23-23 - Wild rose hips
Recurvirostra: 9-23-23 - A VERY true message - Wetlands are not always wet!
Recurvirostra: 9-23-23 - Lots of recently arrived Ring-billed Gulls
Recurvirostra: 9-23-23 - Western Sandpipers in migration
Recurvirostra: 9-23-23 - Westerns doing their sandpipering
Recurvirostra: 9-23-23 - Killdeer
Recurvirostra: 9-23-23 - The lone crow looking over the overlook
Recurvirostra: 9-23-23 - Had to look for awhile at this Greater Yellowlegs since its legs were underwater
Recurvirostra: 9-23-23 - Now THREE Greater Yellowlegs!
Recurvirostra: 9-23-23 - The Killdeer have increased!
Recurvirostra: 9-23-23 - Woolly Bear! What does it mean to see our first one on the Autumnal Equinox?
Recurvirostra: 9-23-23 - Margery attempts to move the Woolly Bear out of the dangerous path, but it was a stubborn little bear
Recurvirostra: 9-23-23 - Bumped into the Tahoma Audubon Field trip led by Julia Dolan (center). We exchanged sightings.
Recurvirostra: 9-23-23 - Look in the middle of the Westerns, and you'll see a Least Sandpiper (yellow legs)
Recurvirostra: 9-23-23 - Three of us among many dozens of people enjoying the refuge before the rains
Recurvirostra: 9-23-23 - This fellow didn't make it
Recurvirostra: 9-23-23 - Water was scarce today, but here's some
Recurvirostra: 9-23-23 - Another landmark tree. Unfortunately in a no-go spot, so we couldn't get inside of it