Recurvirostra: 8-20-22 - Willettes at Salt Water State Park
Recurvirostra: 8-20-22 - Rock Pigeons!
Recurvirostra: 8-20-22 - Waders and Willettes seek out the beach squirrel
Recurvirostra: 8-20-22 - Immature cowbird
Recurvirostra: 8-20-22 - Oh, no, he's seen us!
Recurvirostra: 8-20-22 - And here he is! Immature Brown-headed Cowbird, our pet
Recurvirostra: 8-20-22 - Glaucous-winged Gull
Recurvirostra: 8-20-22 - Harbor Seal takes a gulp of air
Recurvirostra: 8-20-22 - Carol registers surprise when her card pops up
Recurvirostra: 8-20-22 - Carol holds up her Willette gift
Recurvirostra: 8-20-22 - Melissa's birthday present from the Willettes
Recurvirostra: 8-20-22 - Laurel opens her birthday card
Recurvirostra: 8-20-22 - Diane and Faye hold up Faye's whimsical bird napkins
Recurvirostra: 8-20-22 - Dorothy enjoys herself
Recurvirostra: 8-20-22 - Dorothy's gifts to Willettes -- Flamingos!
Recurvirostra: 8-20-22 - Those flamingo spoons are SO cute, Dorothy!
Recurvirostra: 8-20-22 - Cowbird gets ready to adopt Faye
Recurvirostra: 8-20-22 - Laurel confirms the phalaropes out there
Recurvirostra: 8-20-22 - Crow sentinels
Recurvirostra: 8-20-22 - Dorothy talks to Louise, who is there in spirit
Recurvirostra: 8-20-22 - Newly arrived Short-billed Gulls among the Glaucous-winged Gulls and Crows
Recurvirostra: 8-20-22 - Carol does the birdwatching while Melissa watches a single bird
Recurvirostra: 8-20-22 - Melissa communes with the cowbird
Recurvirostra: 8-20-22 - A yellow dog navigates for some humans
Recurvirostra: 8-20-22 - The kite-eating tree
Recurvirostra: 8-20-22 - Who are those strange people on that outcropping?
Recurvirostra: 8-20-22 - One last look at the Willettes!
Recurvirostra: 8-20-22 - Home again for Dorothy!