Recurvirostra: 9-16-21 - Willettes sporting our Red-faced Warbler shirts
Recurvirostra: 9-16-21 - Where are we? Here!
Recurvirostra: 9-16-21 - Laurel, Faye, Jacob, and Ken across the inlet from the cars
Recurvirostra: 9-16-21 - Not wanting to get wet.
Recurvirostra: DSC08876
Recurvirostra: A Great Blue Heron holds court at the last place the pelicans had been seen on previous days.
Recurvirostra: 9-16-21 - Scope uses cairn to set up in the right place
Recurvirostra: The bridge over the creek. No salmon were observed.
Recurvirostra: 9-16-21 - Common Loon with a big lunch
Recurvirostra: 9-16-21 - Yummy!
Recurvirostra: 9-16-21 - Red-necked Grebes, never close to shore.
Recurvirostra: 9-16-21 - Ken and Jacob with Ken's dog Sophie.
Recurvirostra: 9-16-21 - First look at 2 Brown Pelicans at 10:48 AM!!
Recurvirostra: 9-16-21 - Pelicans get read to land on the water
Recurvirostra: 9-16-21 - Pelicans gliding down
Recurvirostra: 9-16-21 - Drab Brown Pelican youngster
Recurvirostra: 9-16-21 - Figuring out how to work his pouch
Recurvirostra: 9-16-21 - Turning around
Recurvirostra: 9-16-21 - A tricky maneuver
Recurvirostra: 9-16-21 - The four-winged Pelican
Recurvirostra: 9-16-21 - Willettemobiles at Twanoh SP parking lot
Recurvirostra: 9-16-21 - Very young White-crowned Sparrow
Recurvirostra: 9-16-21 - California Gull sneaks up on crow
Recurvirostra: 9-16-21 - California Gull's birdbath
Recurvirostra: 9-16-21 - Trying on a disguise
Recurvirostra: 9-16-21 - Crow wants top spot
Recurvirostra: 9-16-21 - Yes, Mr. Crow, you can now call yourself a waterbird
Recurvirostra: 9-16-21 - Our friendly kayakers paddle to the pelican perches on the tall pilings
Recurvirostra: 9-16-21 - Not really a winter-plumaged Guillemot
Recurvirostra: 9-16-21 - California Gull