Recurvirostra: 5-16-21 - Famous downtown Tacoma 17th floor nest ledge with Peregrine at top left
Recurvirostra: 5-16-21 - Peregrine watches nest and looks for prey
Recurvirostra: 5-16-21 - Parent Peregrine downtown
Recurvirostra: 5-16-21 - Diane, Laurel, host Roger, and Faye
Recurvirostra: 5-16-21 - PEFA
Recurvirostra: 5-16-21 - White-crowned Sparrows nesting near raptor nest
Recurvirostra: 5-16-21 - Won't feed young until we're gone
Recurvirostra: 5-16-21 - Someone watching us
Recurvirostra: 5-16-21 - You call that a nest?
Recurvirostra: 5-16-21 - Gadwall below the osprey action
Recurvirostra: 5-16-21 - Osprey wonders if this is a potential nest site
Recurvirostra: 5-16-21 - Keep the lights off!
Recurvirostra: 5-16-21 - Ospreys everyplace!
Recurvirostra: 5-16-21 - Buffelen plant
Recurvirostra: 5-16-21 - Buffelen nest
Recurvirostra: 5-16-21 - Two black birds argue
Recurvirostra: 5-16-21 - At least two Osprey nests here
Recurvirostra: 5-16-21 - Two Osprey nests visible
Recurvirostra: 5-16-21 - Osprey shows off the amenities of a new pole
Recurvirostra: 5-16-21 - Osprey
Recurvirostra: 5-16-21 - Our group