Recurvirostra: 1-5-20 - Dave Richardson and Art Wang scope the Purdy spit
Recurvirostra: 1-5-20 - Terry wears a cap to show distancing from his previous serious role in the birding world
Recurvirostra: 1-5-19 - Laurel looks in vain for the expected large raft of birds between Sunrise Beach and Vashon Island
Recurvirostra: 1-5-19 - Tide coming up fast at Sunrise Beach Park
Recurvirostra: 1-5-19 - Visibility was pretty bad in the morning looking toward Tahquelah ferry landing
Recurvirostra: 1-5-19 - Tide coming in!
Recurvirostra: 1-5-20 - Standing under cover watching Siskins in Wauna
Recurvirostra: 1-5-20 - Creeper!
Recurvirostra: 1-5-20 - Golden-crowned sparrows try to hide
Recurvirostra: 1-5-20 - Laurel is careful not to stand under the water tower at the Gig Harbor cemetery
Recurvirostra: 1-5-19 - Laurel and Adam walk The Lakes greenbelt
Recurvirostra: 1-5-20 - It's a rough life for a crow at McDonald's in Gig Harbor at lunchtime
Recurvirostra: 1-5-20 - Predator looking for birds
Recurvirostra: 1-5-20 - A lone feather flutters near the cat
Recurvirostra: 1-5-20 - Storm Wigeon on Gig Harbor
Recurvirostra: 1-5-20 - Hooded Mergansers in the suddenly glaring sunshine on Gig Harbor
Recurvirostra: 1-5-20 - Fake Swan with golfball guards Gig Harbor
Recurvirostra: 1-5-20 - Comparing the slightly larger Golden-crowned Sparrow to the Junco
Recurvirostra: 2-5-19 - Killdeer were a welcome sight!
Recurvirostra: 1-5-20 - Kingfisher at home
Recurvirostra: 1-5-20 - American Kestral