Recurvirostra: 12-8-19 - Our group
Recurvirostra: 12-8-19 - Pintails and Mallards in the foreground
Recurvirostra: 12-8-19 - Swans of possibly 2 species blend into the mist
Recurvirostra: 12-8-19 - Alas, this truck is not for sale
Recurvirostra: 12-8-19 - The Land Trust at work
Recurvirostra: 12-8-19 - Birders look for birds in the fog
Recurvirostra: 12-9-19 - Golden-Crowned Sparrow were among the many bush birds
Recurvirostra: 12-8-19 - A very full crop on this Peregrine
Recurvirostra: 12-8-19 - EuroDoves
Recurvirostra: 12-8-19 - Shorebirds moving around, like they like to do
Recurvirostra: 12-8-19 - Dunlin look almost like the earth is moving
Recurvirostra: 12-8-19 - The ground is crawling!! Dunlin!
Recurvirostra: 12-8-19 - Can you see the Black-bellied Plovers in the foreground?
Recurvirostra: 12-8-19 - Frenetic activity among the Dunlin
Recurvirostra: 12-8-19 - Fog can't hide these SNGE completely
Recurvirostra: 12-8-19 - We can hear Snow Geese better than we can see them
Recurvirostra: 12-8-19 - White birds almost lost in the white fog
Recurvirostra: 12-8-19 - Dabblers overhead!
Recurvirostra: 12-8-19 - Trumpeter shows its head-on forehead markings
Recurvirostra: 12-8-19 - Richard & Mary forsake the bad bird and look to more challenging species
Recurvirostra: 12-8-19 - The bad bird unafraid of us
Recurvirostra: 12-8-19 - Black birds of all species found in the mud of farms
Recurvirostra: 12-8-19 - Finally a fair look at shorebirds - more than one species!
Recurvirostra: 12-8-19 - Eagles in the field, a harbinger of more of those bad birds
Recurvirostra: 12-8-19 - Dark Redtail
Recurvirostra: 12-8-19 - The site of the Eagle infestation
Recurvirostra: 12-8-9 - Counting eagles in a single tree
Recurvirostra: 12-8-19 - Ravens showed up to scavange the scavangers
Recurvirostra: 12-8-19 - How many eagles here?
Recurvirostra: 12-8-19 - Every tree was packed!