Recurvirostra: 11-29-19 - Our group including Lizzie the Dog, at Skokomish Valley Farms the day after Thanksgiving
Recurvirostra: 11-29-19 - 20 degrees, but sunny, at 8 AM, when we started
Recurvirostra: 11-29-19 - Found some unfrozen water to romp in!
Recurvirostra: 11-29-19 - Hoarfrost decorations
Recurvirostra: 11-29-19 - The sun pokes through the trees
Recurvirostra: 11-29-19 - A "white" Thanksgiving
Recurvirostra: 11-29-19 - A Queenfisher flew right over to us!
Recurvirostra: 11-29-19 - Green-winged Teal, rare for this location
Recurvirostra: 11-29-19 - That same Teal
Recurvirostra: 11-29-19 - Reflections
Recurvirostra: 11-29-19 - More reflections
Recurvirostra: 11-29-19 - Song Sparrow in the frost
Recurvirostra: 11-29-19 - Last year's architectural marvel
Recurvirostra: 11-29-19 - Somewhere in there is a Fox Sparrow
Recurvirostra: 11-29-19 - Elk fence for the farm
Recurvirostra: 11-29-19 - Birders enjoying Bushtits
Recurvirostra: 11-29-19 - The lack of snow on the Olympics was noted, due to drought
Recurvirostra: 11-29-19 - A beautiful place to build a house
Recurvirostra: 11-29-19 - Kestrel top left, Redtail lower right, enjoying each other's company
Recurvirostra: 11-29-19 - That Redtail, a little closer
Recurvirostra: 11-29-19 - Western Bluebird!! One of several we were looking for!
Recurvirostra: 11-29-19 - The shadow of the new house is painted by frost on the lawn
Recurvirostra: 11-29-19 - A flock of Killdeer flew in and landed next to us just as we were leaving!