Recurvirostra: 5-11-19 - Early morning shadows on the Grasshopper Sparrow site
Recurvirostra: 5-11-19 - Say's Phoebe
Recurvirostra: 5-11-19 - Loggerhead Shrike considering a pounce
Recurvirostra: 5-11-19 - Shrike takes a raptor-like stance
Recurvirostra: 5-11-19 - The famous Ferruginous nest with no adult home at the moment
Recurvirostra: 5-11-19 - Another Loggerhead!
Recurvirostra: 5-11-19 - A young Redtail near the site
Recurvirostra: 5-11-19 - Sage Thrasher poses above the sage
Recurvirostra: 5-11-19 - Elaine photographs tiny flowers
Recurvirostra: 5-11-19 - Are they Larkspurs?
Recurvirostra: 5-11-19 - Here's a Lark, Horned
Recurvirostra: 5-11-19 - Both Meadowlarks carry bugs
Recurvirostra: 5-11-19 - Ferruginous is back!! The most beautiful coloring!
Recurvirostra: 5-11-19 - Another pose showing the rufous pantaloons
Recurvirostra: 5-11-19 - White Pelicans approach the runway
Recurvirostra: 5-11-19 - Pelicans with their Cormy pals
Recurvirostra: 5-11-19 - Cormorants nesting
Recurvirostra: 5-11-19 - White Pelicans
Recurvirostra: 5-11-19 - Cormorant rookery
Recurvirostra: 5-11-19 - An egret nest protected by Cormorant nests
Recurvirostra: 5-11-19 - Clark's Grebe hopeful
Recurvirostra: 5-11-19 - Egrets
Recurvirostra: 5-11-19 - Rookery, picturesque leaning homestead, and an oil train...
Recurvirostra: 5-11-19 - Western Kingbird
Recurvirostra: 5-11-19 - A little later, another Clark's Grebe hopeful
Recurvirostra: 5-11-19 - The rookery bookended with human relics
Recurvirostra: 5-11-19 - Hillside studded with Balsamroot and white lupine
Recurvirostra: 5-11-19 - Bald Eagle on nest
Recurvirostra: 5-11-19 - Nestling Bald Eagle shoves Mom aside
Recurvirostra: 5-11-19 - The long view