Recurvirostra: 5-12-19 - Oasis Park, perfect name!
Recurvirostra: 5-12-19 - American Robin picnicking at Oasis Park
Recurvirostra: 5-12-19 - Red-winged Blackbird practicing its personal version of its song
Recurvirostra: 5-12-19 - American Goldfinch
Recurvirostra: 5-12-19 - Birders among the varied trees of Oasis Park
Recurvirostra: 5-12-19 - Mourning Dove, one of dozens
Recurvirostra: 5-12-19 - Oasis Park's fallout spot
Recurvirostra: 5-12-19 - That great neotropical magnet at Oasis Park
Recurvirostra: 5-12-19 - Birders check the perimeter of the pond
Recurvirostra: 5-12-19 - Male mallard on Oasis pond
Recurvirostra: 5-12-19 - Faye leads group along fence line
Recurvirostra: 5-12-19 - Killdeer can't get chicks to fly over fence
Recurvirostra: 5-12-19 - Killdeer with chick as viewed through chain-link
Recurvirostra: 5-12-19 - White-crowned Sparrow, gambellii, Oasis Park parking lot
Recurvirostra: 5-12-19 - Next stop, Lions Park along Ephrata's ridgeline
Recurvirostra: 5-12-19 - Hare on the upward trail at Lions Park
Recurvirostra: 5-12-19 - Lions Park WAVI
Recurvirostra: 5-12-19 - Entering the Ephrata cemetery from Lions Park
Recurvirostra: 5-12-19 - Ring-billed Gulls
Recurvirostra: 5-12-19 - Birders take the stage at the cemetery
Recurvirostra: 5-12-19 - Another warbler!
Recurvirostra: 5-12-19 - Wow! Did you see that?
Recurvirostra: 5-12-19 - A Warbler!
Recurvirostra: 5-12-19 - California Quail have the right-of-way in this town
Recurvirostra: 5-12-19 - Laurel checks out the canal from Patrick Park
Recurvirostra: 5-12-19 - A House Sparrow wonders why the Barn Swallows are gathering mud
Recurvirostra: 5-12-19 - Male Brewer's Blackbird at Patrick Park
Recurvirostra: 5-12-19 - Black-necked Stilt and Killdeer face off at the corner of Soap Lake
Recurvirostra: 5-12-19 - Ring-necked Ducks and Eared Grebes at the south end of Soap Lake
Recurvirostra: 5-12-19 - Starling and Stilt share the soapy shore