Recurvirostra: 12-30-18 - CBC-Vash: It's got wings; can we count it?
Recurvirostra: 12-30-18 - Jim O'Donnell and Faye Hands with teammate Bearded Gnome
Recurvirostra: 12-30-18 - CBC-Vash: Good directional sign!
Recurvirostra: 12-30-18 - CBC-Vash: Cooper's Hawk sunning and fanning its tail, sun-sation
Recurvirostra: 12-30-18 - CBC-Vash: Another Cooper's Hawk in the sunshine!
Recurvirostra: 12-30-18 - CBC-Vash: One of many Anna's Hummers.Anna's Hummingbird - warming up on a sunny winter day
Recurvirostra: 12-30-18 - CBC-Vash: Female Bufflehead
Recurvirostra: 12-30-18 - CBC-Vash: Anna's Hummers are here to stay!
Recurvirostra: 12-30-18 - CBC-Vash - Crescent Creek Park sculpture pierces the sky
Recurvirostra: 12-30-18 - CBC-Vash: Veteran CBCer Jim O'Donnell admires how the old stump was saved at Crescent Creek Park
Recurvirostra: 12-30-18 - CBC-Vash: A couple of Pintail accompany the Mallards at Crescent Creek Park
Recurvirostra: 12-30-18 - CBC-Vash: Gotta look hard to find these mushrooms
Recurvirostra: 12-30-18 - CBC-Vash: Not quite a fairy ring
Recurvirostra: 12-30-18 - CBC-Vash: Sunshiny toadstools celebrating the sunshine
Recurvirostra: 12-30-18 - CBC-Vash: Heard the geese before we saw them!
Recurvirostra: 12-30-18 - CBC-Vash: Still so much food around that these fruits are untouched
Recurvirostra: 12-30-18 - CBC-Vash: But these apples have fed birds without being removed from the tree!
Recurvirostra: 12-30-18 - CBC-Vash: A little frost on the mini-Mima mounds erected for mountain bikers
Recurvirostra: 12-30-18 - CBC-Vash: Flock of Bushtits defies photography, as usual
Recurvirostra: 12-30-18 - CBC Vash: Song Sparrow sings a sunshine song
Recurvirostra: 12-30-18 - CBC-Vash: Female Bufflehead
Recurvirostra: 12-30-18 - CBC-Vash: Surf Scoters doing their "scoting"
Recurvirostra: 12-30-18 - CBC-Vash: Surf Scoter couple playing hard to get
Recurvirostra: 12-30-18: CBC-Vash: A scene out of Winslow Homer, north end of Gig Harbor
Recurvirostra: 12-30-18 - CBC-Vash: Two alpha male Surf Scoters
Recurvirostra: 12-30-18 - CBC-Vash: Common Goldeneye
Recurvirostra: 12-30-18 - CBC-Vash: You can figure out the date from the moon phase when you're lucky enough to see it
Recurvirostra: 12-30-18 - CBC-Vash: American Wigeon
Recurvirostra: 12-30-18 - CBC-Vash: Wigeon almost as gaudy as a Woody
Recurvirostra: 12-30-18 - CBC-Vash: Lots of Golden-crowned Sparrows drew us into John's yard, a lucky break for birders!