Recurvirostra: 7-7-18 - Day one. First stop at Selah Rest Stop, looking at Barn Owl and White-throated Swifts
Recurvirostra: 7-7-18 - The Barn Owl's home, but he's indoors at present
Recurvirostra: 7-7-18 - Faye said, "Are those Bank Swallows?" We suddenly stopped!
Recurvirostra: 7-7-18 - Yes, Bank & Cliff Swallows and other weird pueblo-type holes in the clicc
Recurvirostra: 7-7-18 - Bird homes in the cliffs
Recurvirostra: 7-7-18 - A hundred Ravens! Incredible! Flew over while we were trying to ID Bank Swallows!
Recurvirostra: 7-7-18 - Sandpiper, upper left, in the company of Stilt chicks at blood ponds
Recurvirostra: 7-7-18 - Shorebirds incl Baird's with Stilt
Recurvirostra: 7-7-18 - Shorebirds incl. Baird's and Black-necked Stilt
Recurvirostra: 7-7-18 - American Avocet, yes!
Recurvirostra: 7-7-18 - Black-necked Stilt
Recurvirostra: 7-7-18 - American Avocet!
Recurvirostra: 7-7-18 - American Avocet chick! Note bill already upturned!
Recurvirostra: 7-7-18 - White Pelican, seen widely
Recurvirostra: 7-7-18 - Downy WP at Walla Walla delta
Recurvirostra: 7-7-18 - Twin Falls dinner with our consultant Marcus Roening seated in center. Also seated, Carol, Art, Marcus, Ken, & Ed. Standing: Laurel, Teri, Diane, & Faye.
Recurvirostra: 7-8-18 - DAY 2! To the South Hills of Cassia County!!
Recurvirostra: 7-8-18 - On the way, saw a Kingbird unafraid of a Swainson's Hawk
Recurvirostra: 7-8-18 - Swainson's Hawk
Recurvirostra: 7-8-18 - Swainson's turns to watch us go by
Recurvirostra: 7-8-18 - The terrain offers of stunning geology!
Recurvirostra: 7-8-18 - Pale Redtail greets us going in
Recurvirostra: 7-8-18 - Porcupine Springs campground is the magic place, dating from the CCC
Recurvirostra: 7-8-18 - CASSIA CROSSBILLS!!
Recurvirostra: 7-8-18 - Lighting is terrible, but silhouettes enhance the bill profiles
Recurvirostra: 7-8-18 - We can hear them, too! Constantly kipping as they move around.
Recurvirostra: 7-8-18 - Following the flock
Recurvirostra: 7-8-18 - Loose Lodgepole Pine forest is exactly what they need.
Recurvirostra: 7-8-18 - Now that the first bird thrill is over, we can pay attention to flowers, as Carol is doing here
Recurvirostra: 7-8-18 - Sego Lily, the state flower of Utah, not too far away