Recurvirostra: 6-10-18 - Trout Lake field trip
Recurvirostra: 6-10-18 - No wonder we're shivering. Looking at snow falling across the lake.
Recurvirostra: 6-10-18 - The sad little Chipper with a bad eye
Recurvirostra: 6-10-18 - King Robin
Recurvirostra: 6-10-18 - Phantom Orchid! First of 3 orchid species for the day!
Recurvirostra: 6-10-18 - Possibly a Western Tailed Blue Butterfly or Spring Azure (per JD)
Recurvirostra: 6-10-18 - Willow Flycatcher
Recurvirostra: 6-10-18 - No idea whose this is.
Recurvirostra: 6-10-18 - Cedar Waxwings everywhere.
Recurvirostra: 6-10-18 - Townsend's Warbler
Recurvirostra: 6-10-18 - Couldn't get any good pics of these Vaux's Swifts!
Recurvirostra: 6-10-18 - Thimbleberry
Recurvirostra: 6-10-18 - Flowers along the trail
Recurvirostra: 6-10-18 - Trout Lake ducklings
Recurvirostra: 6-10-18 - Elk Meadows, amazingly, had Elk!
Recurvirostra: 6-10-18 - White-crowned Sparrow, pugetensis subsp, singing in the rain
Recurvirostra: 6-10-18 - Western Wood-pewee
Recurvirostra: 6-10-18 - Coralroot - Orchid #2 of 3 for the day!
Recurvirostra: 6-10-18 - Grouse hunters
Recurvirostra: 6-10-18 - Pacifici Dogwood still blooming up here in the foothills!
Recurvirostra: 6-10-18 - Ground Dogwood, too!
Recurvirostra: 6-10-18 - Peeled Cedar Trail off NF-88
Recurvirostra: 6-10-18 - Listening for Veery across the street from the ice cream shop in Trout Lake
Recurvirostra: 6-10-18 - Saw this Ultravan toy in the Trout Lake ice cream parlor, right after we'd seen one on the road a couple the previous day!
Recurvirostra: 6-10-18 - Found lots of traffic on this decaying road in spite of the sign
Recurvirostra: 6-10-18 - Melissa jumped up and down and broke the road!
Recurvirostra: 6-10-18 - One party going by on the closed road was a Scarlet Macaw!
Recurvirostra: 6-10-18 - Raining again on the closed road!
Recurvirostra: 6-10-18 - Lupine
Recurvirostra: 6-10-18 - Tiger Lily!