Recurvirostra: 6-9-18 - Conboy Lake NWR emblem. Not countable as a Blue Goose.
Recurvirostra: 6-9-18 - Mt. Adams, missing on other days of the conference.
Recurvirostra: 6-9-18 - Turkey Vulture checking us out for signs of life
Recurvirostra: 6-9-18 - Grasshopper Sparrow! Never has this bird been so easy to get! Thanks, Bob!
Recurvirostra: 6-9-18 - Eastern Kingbird working on nest, part 1.
Recurvirostra: 6-9-18 - Eastern Kingbird nestbuilding, part 2.
Recurvirostra: 6-9-18 - Eastern Kingbird nestbuilding, part 3.
Recurvirostra: 6-9-18 - Eastern Kingbird nestbuilding action
Recurvirostra: 6-9-18 - Not the typical perch for a WEME!
Recurvirostra: 6-9-18 - "Stop the car!" yelled Faye. Here's what she heard. Turned out to be 2.
Recurvirostra: 6-9-18 - Another reason to Stop The Car!
Recurvirostra: 6-9-18 - The meadows were beautifully decorated!
Recurvirostra: 6-9-18 - This Swainson's Thrush was the most cooperative singer ever!
Recurvirostra: 6-9-18 - Swainson changed sides of the tree, but kept singing.
Recurvirostra: 6-9-18 - Lazuli Bunting made himself heard.
Recurvirostra: 6-9-18 - Black-backed Woodpecker right where he was supposed to be!
Recurvirostra: 6-9-18 - The landmark for where to stop to look for the BBWO
Recurvirostra: 6-9-18 - Black-back catches the eye!
Recurvirostra: 6-9-18 - Black-backed Woodpecker doing what woodpeckers do
Recurvirostra: 6-9-18 - The beautiful forest floor of ferns
Recurvirostra: 6-9-18 - Controlled burns are done at Conboy, yielding this Halloweenish tableau
Recurvirostra: 6-9-18 - Birders looking and listening, Faye in foreground
Recurvirostra: 6-9-18 - This trail toward the Flycatcher hangout used to be a road
Recurvirostra: 6-9-18 - Gray Flycatcher!! A very good bird in the State of Washington!
Recurvirostra: 6-9-18 - Gray Flycatcher changes perches
Recurvirostra: 6-9-18 - Found 2 more Sandhill Cranes in the far distance here at the Willard Springs trailhead near headquarters
Recurvirostra: 6-9-18 - The Conboy headquarters
Recurvirostra: 6-9-18 - Beautiful Conboy.
Recurvirostra: 6-9-18 - Conboy meadow close-up.
Recurvirostra: 6-9-18 - Quiz bird! Can you recognize a WEME from the back with no audio?