Recurvirostra: 4-29-19 - Arrowleaf Balsamroot
Recurvirostra: 4-29-19 - Gnats providing provender for warblers on the pass
Recurvirostra: 4-29-19 - Yellow-rumped Warbler feasting on the pass
Recurvirostra: 4-29-19 - The Hyak Hummer House
Recurvirostra: 4-29-19 - Rufous Hummer Male
Recurvirostra: 4-29-19 - Anna's Hummer, upper right, among the Rufous
Recurvirostra: 4-29-19 - Osprey
Recurvirostra: 4-29-19 - Osprey returns with home furnishings
Recurvirostra: 4-29-19 - Our favorite tow truck company
Recurvirostra: 4-29-19 - Barrow's Goldeneye couple planning a family at the Hyak sewer ponds
Recurvirostra: 4-29-19 - Canada Geese
Recurvirostra: 4-29-19 - Golden-mantled Ground Squirrel
Recurvirostra: 4-29-19 - White-crowned Sparrow gambellii
Recurvirostra: 4-29-19 - "Hey, are you looking at my rump??!!"
Recurvirostra: 4-29-19 - Looking for TV dinners
Recurvirostra: 4-29-19 - Red-winged Blackbird announces its presence
Recurvirostra: 4-29-19 - First Western Tanager of the year!
Recurvirostra: 4-29-19 - Nashville Warbler
Recurvirostra: 4-29-19 - Nashville resting
Recurvirostra: 4-29-19 - Nashville spots a bug
Recurvirostra: 4-29-19 - Nashville showing all his field marks
Recurvirostra: 4-29-19 - Nash trying to find a good spot to hold on
Recurvirostra: 4-29-19 - Hungry Nashville Warbler
Recurvirostra: 4-29-19 - Female Yellow-rump
Recurvirostra: 4-29-19 - Evening Grosbeak
Recurvirostra: 4-29-19 - White-crowned gambellii
Recurvirostra: 4-29-19 Dipper near Teanaway
Recurvirostra: 4-29-19 - Dipper has a mouthful of bugs, kind of like a Puffin!
Recurvirostra: 4-29-19 - Raven looking harried
Recurvirostra: 4-29-19 - Raven on nest