Recurvirostra: 9-22-17 - "Canadian Sunset" was my personal soundtrack, although it was a sunrise
Recurvirostra: 9-22-17 - Birds at every focal length
Recurvirostra: 9-22-17 - Starlings and a mystery bird behind us
Recurvirostra: 9-22-17 - Now I know why they're called "Canada" geese
Recurvirostra: 9-22-17 - Two of the dozens of Pectoral Sandpipers
Recurvirostra: 9-22-17 - Pectoral Sandpiper group
Recurvirostra: 9-22-17 - Pectoral Sandpiper
Recurvirostra: 9-22-17 - Bookends
Recurvirostra: 9-22-17 - Pec on left with Western Sandpipers
Recurvirostra: 9-22-17 - Pec admires his reflection and wonders whether he's a Sharp-tailed
Recurvirostra: 9-22-17 - Pectoral Sandpiper
Recurvirostra: 9-22-17 - One little guy (WESA) with 3 bigger friends (PESA)
Recurvirostra: 9-22-17 - Pecs on the green mat at shore's edge
Recurvirostra: 9-22-17 - Not everything is a seabird!
Recurvirostra: 9-22-17 - Sanderling joins the Pecs
Recurvirostra: 9-22-17 - Western Sandpipers
Recurvirostra: 9-22-17 - Something has the birds up
Recurvirostra: 9-22-17 - Northern Harrier cruises overhead
Recurvirostra: 9-22-17 - Sun continues to rise
Recurvirostra: 9-22-17- More bookends
Recurvirostra: 9-22-17 - Where we are
Recurvirostra: 9-22-17 - The airfield and cityscape were behind us
Recurvirostra: 9-22-17 - Fox Sparrow sings its equinox song
Recurvirostra: 9-22-17 - Other birds
Recurvirostra: 9-22-17 - Flying in formation?
Recurvirostra: 9-22-17- Spooked
Recurvirostra: 9-22-17 - Birders walking the dike
Recurvirostra: 9-22-17 - Pipits everywhere, too!
Recurvirostra: 9-22-17 - White-crowned Sparrow immature
Recurvirostra: 9-22-17 - Savannah Sparrow - Lots of these!