Recurvirostra: 4-29-17 - Our group near Hoquiam STP (Photo/Eric Heisey)
Recurvirostra: 4-29-17 - Brady Loop
Recurvirostra: 4-29-17 - Yes, hundreds of Bandtails!
Recurvirostra: 4-29-17 - Band-tailed Pigeons became our "junk" bird of the trip
Recurvirostra: 4-29-17 - High water at Brady Loop
Recurvirostra: 4-29-17 - The view brightens from Brady Loop
Recurvirostra: 4-29-17 - Savannah Sparrow wakes up on Brady Loop
Recurvirostra: 4-29-17 - Least SPs were close to the road at Brady
Recurvirostra: 4-29-17 - Brady Loop headless peeps
Recurvirostra: 4-29-17 - Two views of Least SP
Recurvirostra: 4-29-17 - Brady Loop birders
Recurvirostra: 4-29-17 - Hoquiam sewer pond Osprey
Recurvirostra: 4-29-17 - Donna knocks over a tree across from Hoquiam sewer pond
Recurvirostra: 4-29-17 - Huge number of Gadwall at the sewer pond
Recurvirostra: 4-29-17 - Gadwall
Recurvirostra: 4-29-17 - Lesser Scaup in the sewer pond
Recurvirostra: 4-29-17 - Savannah SP at sewer pond
Recurvirostra: 4-29-17 - Interesting Tree Swallow nest
Recurvirostra: 4-29-17 - Tree swallow leaves nest near sewer pond
Recurvirostra: 4-29-17 - Osprey successfully routs Bald Eagle!
Recurvirostra: 4-29-17 - GBH works the sewer pond edge
Recurvirostra: 4-29-17 - Reminder that we are at Bowerman Basin Airport
Recurvirostra: 4-29-17 - Richard scopes Grays Harbor from sewer pond edge
Recurvirostra: 4-29-17 - A lone Bonaparte's Gull keeps company with Tern
Recurvirostra: 4-29-17 - Bony showing underwing pattern
Recurvirostra: 4-29-17 - DC Cormys
Recurvirostra: 4-29-17 - Killdeer near sewer pond
Recurvirostra: 4-29-17 - Three species at sewer pond
Recurvirostra: 4-29-17 - Hoquiam - Lesser YLs with friend
Recurvirostra: 4-29-17 - An Otter climbs out of the sewer pond (Eeww!)