Recurvirostra: 3-11-17 - Our group (Terry, Ken, Kay, Mary, Carol, Richard in back, Karen, Laurel, Faye, Ed, Kathryn, Donna, Lisa, with Wendy Connally in front of it all!
Recurvirostra: 3-11-17 - Our first stop
Recurvirostra: 3-11-17 - Wendy Connally with her eBirder minions
Recurvirostra: 3-11-17 - eBirders look for birds while kayaker gets out of the rain.
Recurvirostra: 3-11-17 - Pretty wet at Luhr Beach!
Recurvirostra: 3-11-17 - Faye, Ed, & Ken huddling under the litte cover
Recurvirostra: 3-11-17 - Setting the location
Recurvirostra: 3-11-17 - Kathryn & Laurel looking for birds among the raindrops
Recurvirostra: 3-11-17 - There were Wigeon and Brant out there, believe it or not.
Recurvirostra: 3-11-17 - Karen is able to do birding, eBirding, and walking down a ramp on her bad foot, with Terry watching closely
Recurvirostra: 3-11-17 - Merganser swallowing a large fish, surrounded by raindrops
Recurvirostra: 3-117-17 - Male Red-breasted Merganser after shaking his hairdo.
Recurvirostra: 3-11-17 - Olympic Gull, or as eBird calls it, Glaucous-winged/Western hybrid
Recurvirostra: 3-11-17 - Wendy (foreground left) watches Ed key in location
Recurvirostra: 3-11-17 - Kay Pullen demonsrates eBird-ready gloves
Recurvirostra: 3-11-17 - Wendy Connally (center) with Willettes Carol, Laurel, Faye, & Diane
Recurvirostra: 3-11-17 - Group photo practice shot
Recurvirostra: Cheat Sheet p1
Recurvirostra: Cheat sheet p2
Recurvirostra: Cheat sheet p3
Recurvirostra: Cheat sheet p4