Recurvirostra: 5-10-19 - Faye sits on the birding bench dedicated to Patrick Sullivan, a friend of hers
Recurvirostra: 5-10-19 - First good bird -- Bullock's Oriole, one of many, it turned out
Recurvirostra: 5-10-19 - Male Bullock's
Recurvirostra: 5-10-19 - Mystery egg near Bassett Park restroom, bigger than a chicken egg
Recurvirostra: 5-10-19 - Red-shafted Flicker
Recurvirostra: 5-10-19 - Can you see the Flicker?
Recurvirostra: 5-10-19 - Lots of American Goldfinches
Recurvirostra: 5-10-19 - Hard to stay out of the way of the many California Quail
Recurvirostra: 5-10-19 - Poppies, probably not native
Recurvirostra: 5-10-19 - Mule deer above Bassett Park
Recurvirostra: 5-10-19 - Yellow-bellied Marmots among the rocks
Recurvirostra: 5-10-19 - These pigeons act like they know how to live in the Rocks
Recurvirostra: 5-10-19 - Hermit Thrush, the first of 20 to 30!!! Proving Bassett Park to be a fallout site once again!
Recurvirostra: 5-10-19 - Yellow-breasted Chat
Recurvirostra: 5-10-19 - I think it's a Western Kingbird nest.
Recurvirostra: 5-10-19 - Western Kingbird, like a gem among matching wildflowers
Recurvirostra: 5-10-19 - WEKI spreading his wings
Recurvirostra: 5-10-19 - Goldfinch
Recurvirostra: 5-10-19 - Turkey courtship
Recurvirostra: 5-10-19 - Very white Downy Woodpecker
Recurvirostra: 5-10-19 - Downy Woodpecker completely oblivious
Recurvirostra: 5-10-19 - Lark Sparrow, a treeful of these, too!
Recurvirostra: 5-10-19 - Ubiquitous Mourning Dove
Recurvirostra: 5-10-19 - Flycatcher
Recurvirostra: 5-10-19 - Swainson's Hawk
Recurvirostra: 5-10-19 - Swainson's Hawk flying too fast for my camera
Recurvirostra: 5-10-19 - Faye shows off a down feather found on the path
Recurvirostra: 5-10-19 - Say's Phoebe
Recurvirostra: 5-10-19 - Black-billed Magpie
Recurvirostra: 5-10-19 - Another male Oriole