Recurvirostra: 5-9-19 - Our group at Ginkgo SP!
Recurvirostra: 5-9-19 - Getting stopped by snow at Snoqualmie summit
Recurvirostra: 5-9-19 - Lookingi for dippers at Snoqualmie
Recurvirostra: 5-9-19 - Checking the other side of the bridge
Recurvirostra: 5-9-19 - We think we saw a Dipper!
Recurvirostra: 5-9-19 - There it is!
Recurvirostra: 5-9-19 - The Dipper!!
Recurvirostra: 5-9-19 - Messages from an alternate universe
Recurvirostra: 5-9-19 - The Hummer haven house
Recurvirostra: 5-9-19 - More ravens than crows
Recurvirostra: 5-9-19 - View from the sewer ponds
Recurvirostra: 5-9-19 - The Hyak sewer ponds
Recurvirostra: 5-9-19 - Singing Oregon Junco
Recurvirostra: 5-9-19 - April follows the wolf
Recurvirostra: 5-9-19 - Yikes! A snake!! Maybe a foot long!
Recurvirostra: 5-9-19 - Easton State Park
Recurvirostra: 5-9-19 - Golden-mantled Ground Squirrel taking its leisure
Recurvirostra: 5-9-19 - Osprey on nest
Recurvirostra: 5-9-19 - Osprey's mate
Recurvirostra: 5-9-19 - Checking out waterfowl
Recurvirostra: 5-9-19 - Another variety of Oregon Grape
Recurvirostra: 5-9-19 - Pygmy Nuthatch (see arrow)
Recurvirostra: 5-9-19 - Pygmy Nuthatch trying to decide which bug he wants
Recurvirostra: 5-9-19 - Rufous Hummer male
Recurvirostra: 5-9-19 - Turkey Vulture
Recurvirostra: 5-9-19 - Violet-green Swallow
Recurvirostra: 5-9-19 - Hatchery lunch spot
Recurvirostra: 5-9-19 - Hatchery's artistic flooring
Recurvirostra: 5-9-19 - They're done with this nest, possibly Phoebes
Recurvirostra: 5-9-19 - Perfect backdrop to good birds