Recurvirostra: 11-30-16 - WOS group on Vashon. Leader Ed Swan right center back.
Recurvirostra: 11-30-16 - Our ship from Point Defiance to Vashon Island.
Recurvirostra: 11-30-16 - Birding our way over.
Recurvirostra: 11/30/16 - Quartermaster Harbor. Where are the bikes?
Recurvirostra: 11-30-16 - Big bad birds at Quartermaster.
Recurvirostra: 11-30-16 - Peregrine takes over Quartermaster from the Baldies.
Recurvirostra: 11-30-16 - Not sure why these people have a "51" flag at Harbormaster.
Recurvirostra: 11-30-16 - Scoping Quartermaster
Recurvirostra: 11-30-16 - At least the gulls were enjoying the breezes
Recurvirostra: 11-30-16 - Goldeneyes and Buffleheads
Recurvirostra: 11-30-16 - Horned Grebe
Recurvirostra: 11-30-16 - Female Red-breasted Merganser blows by
Recurvirostra: 11-30-16 - A more negative sign for Tramp Harbor.
Recurvirostra: 11-30-16 - Tramp Harbor is on the Washington State Birding Trail.
Recurvirostra: 11-30-16 - Birders getting blown about.
Recurvirostra: 11-30-16 - Brrrrrr out on the Tramp Harbor pier
Recurvirostra: 11-30-16 - Ed & Dave come in from the cold at Tramp Harbor
Recurvirostra: 11-30-16 - Mukai Meadows trail
Recurvirostra: 11-30-16 - The last flowers of the year.
Recurvirostra: 11-30-16 - A previous high water level above our heads!
Recurvirostra: 11-30-16 - Ed points out other trails at Mukai
Recurvirostra: 11-30-16 - Chilly breeze makes Karen go incognito
Recurvirostra: 11-30-16 - Fall colors
Recurvirostra: 11-30-16 - Ed leads the group around Fisher Pond.
Recurvirostra: 11-30-16 - A lone female trailed by many male Ring-billed Ducks
Recurvirostra: 11-30-16 - Green-winged Teal pair at Fisher Pond.
Recurvirostra: 11-30-16 - A lone Killdeer, king of his little island, at Fisher Pond.
Recurvirostra: 11-30-16 - Female Hoody trying to be invisible.
Recurvirostra: 11-30-16 - Three Varied Thrushes jousted with each other silently, all males.
Recurvirostra: 11-30-16 - Fall color at Fisher Pond