Recurvirostra: 12-3-16 - Our group. Leader Ken Brown leaning over just right of scope.
Recurvirostra: 12-3-16 - Drive-by immature Cooper's Hawk
Recurvirostra: 12-3-16 - Male BAEA eating while female does housekeeping
Recurvirostra: 12-3-16 - Red barn with white swans
Recurvirostra: 12-3-16 - Swan
Recurvirostra: 12-3-16 - Waterfowl through the sunroof of the car
Recurvirostra: 12-3-16 - Rhodie offers shelter to zonotrichias
Recurvirostra: 12-3-16 - White-crowned Sparrows of various ages
Recurvirostra: 12-3-16 - Potential light morph Harlan (Red-tailed Hawk)
Recurvirostra: 12-3-16 - This cat knows which way the wind blows
Recurvirostra: 12-3-16 - And the young shall lead the way
Recurvirostra: 12-3-16 - More of those darn Eagles
Recurvirostra: 12-3-16 - Laurel photographing
Recurvirostra: 12-3-16 - Immature BAEA chewing vegies
Recurvirostra: 12-3-16 - Raven shadows BAEA
Recurvirostra: 12-3-16 - Raven drops on BAEA
Recurvirostra: 12-3-16 - Imm BAEA escapes this time.
Recurvirostra: 12-3-16 - Low-flying bird
Recurvirostra: 12-3-16 - East ninety
Recurvirostra: 12-3-16 - Redtail
Recurvirostra: 12-3-16 - Karen almost flies away at West ninety
Recurvirostra: 12-3-16 - Mew
Recurvirostra: 12-3-16 - Two Long-tailed Ducks (thanks, Melody!)
Recurvirostra: 12-3-16 - White-winged Scoter at Smish Island
Recurvirostra: 12-3-16 - Samish Island sentinel
Recurvirostra: 12-3-16 - Ken scopes the forbidden zone
Recurvirostra: 12-3-16 - Eyebrows express interest
Recurvirostra: 12-3-16 - Not another eagle!
Recurvirostra: 12-3-16 - Flicker convention
Recurvirostra: 12-3-16 - Raptor, species unknown