Recurvirostra: 11-6-16 - Our crew ending the afternoon with ice cream, eaten at Theler.
Recurvirostra: 11-6-16 - Surf Scoters supervised by Heron at Kitsap marina
Recurvirostra: 11-6-16 - Grooming salon for DC Cormorants at Port Orch Marina
Recurvirostra: 11-6-16 - DC Cormorants youngsters near Kitsap marina
Recurvirostra: 11-6-16 - Great Egret at Kitsap marina!
Recurvirostra: 11-6-16 - Great Egret posing
Recurvirostra: 11-6-16 - Great Egret spies us!
Recurvirostra: 11-6-16 - Port Orch Etta Turner Park Canada Geese
Recurvirostra: 11-6-16 - Eurasian Wigeon (bottom) and American friends fly in to Etta Turner park
Recurvirostra: 11-6-16 - Port Orch - Wigeon counting exercise
Recurvirostra: 11-6-16 - One (top middle) of two Eurasian Wigeon spotted in the large flock
Recurvirostra: 11-6-16 - American Coot at Etta Turner Park
Recurvirostra: 11-6-16 - American Wigeon pair
Recurvirostra: 11-6-16 - Hooded Mergansers - Yummy!
Recurvirostra: 11-6-16 - Female Hoody showing off
Recurvirostra: 11-6-16- Male Hooded Merganser on art-glass water pattern
Recurvirostra: 11-6-16 - Here's where we were at Yukon Harbor
Recurvirostra: 11-6-16 - Huge raft of mergansers off Yukon Harbor
Recurvirostra: 11-6-16 - "Red," the Red Knot, with his sentinel Killdeer
Recurvirostra: 11-6-16 - Red Knot as indicated, Space Needle to the left. Yukon Harbor
Recurvirostra: 11-6-16 - Faye & Laurel, Yukon Harbor panorama
Recurvirostra: 11-6-16 - Kingfisher went from wire to wire to elude photography
Recurvirostra: 11-6-16 - Our hybrid gull at Yukon Harbor shelters a Kingfisher.
Recurvirostra: 11-6-16 - Gull identified by nearby Towhee who said, "Mew."
Recurvirostra: 11-6-16 - Laurel said, "Look at the eye on that gull!"
Recurvirostra: 11-6-16 - Interesting Gull, decided to be a Herring/Glaucous-winged hybrid
Recurvirostra: 11-6-16 - Our hybrid gull
Recurvirostra: 11-6-16 - Crow in his shorebird disguise
Recurvirostra: 11-6-16 - Cormorant lookout says, "Keep paddling, boys!"
Recurvirostra: 11-6-16 - Here's where we were a little down the road.