Recurvirostra: 10-13-18 - The Big Sitters - BAGs (Belfair-Allyn-Grapeview)
Recurvirostra: 10-13-18 - Vintage Big Sit shirt and ongoing list
Recurvirostra: 10-13-18 - Broad view of our circle
Recurvirostra: 10-13-18 - Lakeland Village Community Center welcomes us!
Recurvirostra: 10-13-18 - Big Sit cheat sheets, prepared for rain, which didn't come!
Recurvirostra: 10-13-18 - Our venue! Beautiful Lake Anderson!
Recurvirostra: 10-13-18 - Salal with berries
Recurvirostra: 10-13-18 - More berries
Recurvirostra: 10-13-18 - Mystery duck - Now revealed to be a female Long-tailed Duck!
Recurvirostra: 10-13-18 - Long-tailed Duck video 1
Recurvirostra: 10-13-18 - Long-tailed Duck video 2
Recurvirostra: 10-13-18 - Long-tailed Duck video 3
Recurvirostra: 10-13-18 - Mystery duck location marked
Recurvirostra: 10-13-18 - Approach of the heron
Recurvirostra: 10-13-18 - Great Blue Heron high in tree
Recurvirostra: 10-13-18 - Genevieve digiscopes
Recurvirostra: 10-13-18 - Scope stil working even without a human's eye
Recurvirostra: 10-13-18 - Robin owns this tree
Recurvirostra: 10-13-18 - Who says Kingfishers don't frequent feeders?
Recurvirostra: 10-13-18 - The day brightens as the fog lifts
Recurvirostra: 10-13-18 - Either warming her hands or taking a bow
Recurvirostra: 10-13-18 - Flowers for Pied-billed Grebe
Recurvirostra: 10-13-18 - Beth and mom Genevieve, our leader
Recurvirostra: 10-13-18 - The shadow is scarier than the dragonfly
Recurvirostra: 10-13-18 - Probable Meadowhawk flitting on the dock
Recurvirostra: 10-13-18 - Meadowhawk reads the sign
Recurvirostra: 10-13-18 - Meanwhile back at the ranch...
Recurvirostra: 10-13-18 - Faye, Valera (back) & Melissa keep watch
Recurvirostra: 10-13-18 - Valera checks out the water
Recurvirostra: 10-13-18 - Primary colors