Recurvirostra: 9-17-16 - Our group at Bill's Spit
Recurvirostra: 9-17-16 - A sea frothy with birds at the spit.
Recurvirostra: 9-17-16 - Leader Ken on left at jetty.
Recurvirostra: 9-17-16 - Ed & Ken look for rarities
Recurvirostra: 9-17-16 - Brown Pelicans, more every time we come.
Recurvirostra: 9-17-16 - The group with Laurel photographing.
Recurvirostra: 9-17-16 - Not a good time to ask, "What are you people watching?"
Recurvirostra: 9-17-16 - At the jetty.
Recurvirostra: 9-17-16 - Ed Pullen pulls in a few birds.
Recurvirostra: 9-17-16 - Sooty Shearwaters shearing the waves.
Recurvirostra: 9-17-16 - Watch out for the wave, Laurel!
Recurvirostra: 9-17-16 - More Sooty Shearwaters.
Recurvirostra: 9-17-16 - Sooty Shearwaters & friends at OC jetty.
Recurvirostra: 9-17-16 - Pelicans & pelicans
Recurvirostra: 9-17-16 - Brown Pelicans smashing into the water at the OC jetty, accompanied by Heermann's Gulls & Sooty Shearwaters.
Recurvirostra: 9-17-16 - And more pelicans!
Recurvirostra: 9-17-16 - Pelicans keep coming...
Recurvirostra: 9-17-16 - ...and going.
Recurvirostra: 9-17-16 - Climbing on the rocks.
Recurvirostra: 9-17-16 - Ignoring the birds overhead.
Recurvirostra: 9-17-16 - Brown Pelican
Recurvirostra: 9-17-16 - On top of the jetty.
Recurvirostra: 9-17-16 - Birds above & below
Recurvirostra: 9-17-16 - Savannah Sparrows near the OC STP
Recurvirostra: 9-17-16 - Bill's Spit
Recurvirostra: 9-17-16 - Pintails over Bill's Spit
Recurvirostra: 9-17-16 - Western Gull
Recurvirostra: 9-17-16 - Ken at Bill's Spit
Recurvirostra: 99-17-16 - Teri traverses Bill's Spit
Recurvirostra: 9-17-16 - Tide comes in at Bill's Spit