Recurvirostra: 9-3-16 - Our group at the lighthouse
Recurvirostra: 9-3-16 - Port Townsend Bubo, with whitewash?
Recurvirostra: 9-3-16 - Chimney decor in Port Townsend
Recurvirostra: 9-3-16 - Cormorants from Pt Townsend marina, with ferry.
Recurvirostra: 9-3-16 - Those same Pelagic Cormorants at Port Townsend
Recurvirostra: Carol, Laurel, Diane, & Faye
Recurvirostra: 9-3-16 - Looking at Point Wilson from Port Townsend
Recurvirostra: 9-3-16 - Port Townsend marine wildlife.
Recurvirostra: 9-3-16 - View from Port Townsend -- With otters!
Recurvirostra: 9-3-16 - Port Townsend otters close in
Recurvirostra: 9-3-16 - Faye & Wendy on the beach
Recurvirostra: 9-3-16 - Wildlife of Port Townsend
Recurvirostra: 9-3-16 - Heermann's Gulls swamping out the Oystercatchers
Recurvirostra: 9-3-16 - Oystercatchers near Pt Townsend marina
Recurvirostra: 9-3-16 - Clash of the Red Bills at Port Townsend
Recurvirostra: 9-3-16 - More wildlife going by Point Wilson
Recurvirostra: 9-3-16 - What was THAT? Turned out to be a Cooper's Hawk! (No pics)
Recurvirostra: 9-3-16 - "Little and cute" Glaucous-winged Gull youngster
Recurvirostra: 9-3-16 - Having fun at Port Townsend
Recurvirostra: 9-3-16 - Black Turnstones from the Pt Townsend restaurant
Recurvirostra: 9-3-16 - Wendy gets chowder!
Recurvirostra: 9-3-16 - Wendy needs chowder!
Recurvirostra: 9-3-16 - Live show at the lunch spot, Part 1
Recurvirostra: 9-3-16 - Lunchtime show part 2
Recurvirostra: 9-3-16 - Heermann's Gull looks down on Harlequin
Recurvirostra: 9-3-16 - Olympic Gulls with Harlequins
Recurvirostra: 9-3-16 - Can you find 3 species?
Recurvirostra: 9-3-16 - Glaucous-winged Gull
Recurvirostra: 9-3-16 - Can you find the invisible Turnstones?
Recurvirostra: 9-3-16 - Barge skirts the Point Wilson Lighthouse