Recurvirostra: 6-25-16 - Destination on JBLM
Recurvirostra: 6-25-16 - Eastern Kingbird - Target species!!
Recurvirostra: 6-25-16 - Red-winged Blackbird - Friends with our Kingbirds
Recurvirostra: 6-25-16 - Eastern Kingbird again
Recurvirostra: 6-25-16 - Nesting material!
Recurvirostra: 6-25-16 - Kingbird approaches the nest with nesting material
Recurvirostra: 6-25-16 - Kingbird applies more nesting material.
Recurvirostra: 6-25-16 - Eastern Kingbird on nest in progress
Recurvirostra: 6-25-16 - Red-winged Blackbird protecting the Kingbird in her nest
Recurvirostra: 6-25-16 - Cedar Waxwings in the meantime were all around us.
Recurvirostra: 6-25-16 - Pretty good birding gear!
Recurvirostra: 6-25-16 - Laurel, Zach, and leader Heather in her truck.
Recurvirostra: 6-25-16 - Another view from the nest site
Recurvirostra: 6-25-16 - Male Cabbage Butterfly near Morey Creek
Recurvirostra: 6-25-16 - Steps going way down to the swift creek
Recurvirostra: 6-25-16 - Not another Waxwing!
Recurvirostra: 6-25-16 - Common Yellowthroat - Many of these, most only heard.
Recurvirostra: 6-25-16 - Tree Swallow at home.
Recurvirostra: 6-25-16 - The sun through some pale clouds
Recurvirostra: 6-25-16 - Across from the sun, the Moon!
Recurvirostra: 6-25-16 - White-crowned Sparrow, almost looks gambelii with that orange bill
Recurvirostra: 6-25-16 - Poppies lined part of our path
Recurvirostra: 6-25-16 - Rufous Hummer, female or young
Recurvirostra: 6-25-16 - A family of young Scrubbies crosses paths with us, at least 4! Very noisy.
Recurvirostra: 6-25-16 - Heather and Laurel look for swifts.
Recurvirostra: 6-25-16 - Bewick's Wren pipes up.
Recurvirostra: 6-25-16 - Bumble tries a flower not big enough for him
Recurvirostra: 6-25-16 - Robin is King!
Recurvirostra: 6-25-16 - Barn Swallow inside the gazebo.
Recurvirostra: 6-25-16 - Laurel and me (Diane) comparing Avocets on our shirts.