Recurvirostra: 1-13-18
Recurvirostra: 1-13-18 - Confluence of Wenatchee and Columbia Rivers
Recurvirostra: 1-13-18 - Facing away from the chill wind
Recurvirostra: 1-13-18 - Ring-necks
Recurvirostra: 1-13-18 - Scaup
Recurvirostra: 1-13-18 - How many species (3 minimum)
Recurvirostra: 1-13-18 - Scaup
Recurvirostra: 1-13-18 - Still waiting for that sun! Wenatchee Confluence Park
Recurvirostra: 1-13-18 - Sunrise at last!
Recurvirostra: 1-13-18 - Birds wake up at sunrise
Recurvirostra: 1-13-18 - Sunrise at the confluence
Recurvirostra: 1-13-18 - Ken visits an old haunt
Recurvirostra: 1-13-18 - Ed tells Kathy, "It's not so bad."
Recurvirostra: 1-13-18 - Another taker
Recurvirostra: 1-13-18 - Mik deals with American restroom
Recurvirostra: 1-13-18 - The popular attraction
Recurvirostra: 1-13-18 - Bananas
Recurvirostra: 1-13-18 - The boys
Recurvirostra: 1-13-18 - Ice Capades
Recurvirostra: 1-13-18 - Ken, Mike, Mik
Recurvirostra: 1-13-18 - Starting to see Horned Larks!
Recurvirostra: 1-13-18 - HOLAs! But looking for Snow Buntings.
Recurvirostra: 1-13-18 - Hard to see birds in the fog
Recurvirostra: 1-13-18 - Hard to find the cars in the fog
Recurvirostra: 1-13-18 - Snow Buntings at last!
Recurvirostra: 1-13-18 - SNBUs!
Recurvirostra: 1-13-18 - Buntings
Recurvirostra: 1-13-18 - Looking for that special bunting
Recurvirostra: 1-13-18 - Checking each bird carefully
Recurvirostra: 1-13-18 - Fog is interfering