Recurvirostra: 6-20-16 - Pacific-slope Flycatcher
Recurvirostra: 6-20-16 - PSFL mate on TV aerial with fuzz.
Recurvirostra: 6-20-16 - PSFL pauses on feeder "tree" with more fuzz.
Recurvirostra: 6-20-16 - PSFL with bigger load.
Recurvirostra: 6-20-16 - PSFL - How can it see?
Recurvirostra: 6-20-16 - PSFL brings in a stick.
Recurvirostra: 6-20-16 - PSFL - No, don't build a nest in my blind!
Recurvirostra: 6-20-16 - PSFL, still relentless after 1-1/2 hours!