Recurvirostra: 6-5-16 - Millet Pond
Recurvirostra: 6-5-16 - Nighthawk on the way!
Recurvirostra: 6-5-16 - Our leader Tim Parker botanizes with the group.
Recurvirostra: 6-5-16 - At least 7 species in this one view at Millet Pond!
Recurvirostra: 6-5-16 - American Avocets!! My favorite!
Recurvirostra: 6-4-16 -
Recurvirostra: 6-5-16 - Tree Swallow
Recurvirostra: 6-5-16 - Tree Swallow fledglings!
Recurvirostra: 6-5-16 - Spotted Sandpiper
Recurvirostra: 6-5-16 - Avocet checks his appearance in the mirror
Recurvirostra: 6-5-16 - Avocet at Millet Pondd
Recurvirostra: 6-5-16 - While watching this Night-heron, every other water bird went by behind it. CITEs here.
Recurvirostra: 6-5-16 - Gadwalls pass by the Night-heron.
Recurvirostra: 6-5-16 - Stilts with the Night-heron.
Recurvirostra: 6-5-16 - Another Night-heron!
Recurvirostra: 6-5-16 - Laurel checks out the flowers.
Recurvirostra: 6-5-16 - Red Admiral
Recurvirostra: 6-5-16 - Pelicans coming down at McNary
Recurvirostra: 6-5-16 - Pintails
Recurvirostra: 6-5-16 - Another view of Millet Pond
Recurvirostra: 6-5-16 - Red flowers
Recurvirostra: 6-5-16 - Cabbage Butterfly glowering
Recurvirostra: 6-5-16 - Bee scares off Cabbage Butterfly
Recurvirostra: 6-5-16 - Cotton everywhere
Recurvirostra: 6-5-16 - Long-tailed Weasel
Recurvirostra: 6-5-16 - Red-veined Meadowhawk
Recurvirostra: 6-5-16 - Great Egret
Recurvirostra: 6-5-16 - Another animal kingdom represented, deer
Recurvirostra: 6-5-16 - Feathers along the trail (Barn Owl & waterfowl)
Recurvirostra: 6-5-16 - Browned-headed Cowbird, female