Recurvirostra: Eells Springs Trout Hatchery, Mason County
Recurvirostra: 3-28-16 - Faye at Trout Hatchery.
Recurvirostra: 3-28-16 - Yes, Dippers! Two!
Recurvirostra: 3-28-16 - Dipper bringing food morsels constantly.
Recurvirostra: 3-28-16 - Coming up from the water with
Recurvirostra: 3-28-16 - Green Heron flew up from fish pond
Recurvirostra: 3-28-16 - Faye and Diane at the hatchery
Recurvirostra: 3-30-16 - Two days later - a chick!
Recurvirostra: 3-30-16 - Adam looks over the nesting bridge.
Recurvirostra: 3-30-16 - Parent feeds chick!
Recurvirostra: 3-30-16 - Selfie with Dipper
Recurvirostra: 3-30-16 -Adam's shadow with Dipper
Recurvirostra: 3-30-16 - Big fat Dipper chick.
Recurvirostra: 3-30-16 - Dipper chick learns to dip.
Recurvirostra: 3-30-16 - Dipper chick with bad hair day.