Recurvirostra: Our group in Metaline 6/20/15
Recurvirostra: Dipper 6/20/2015
Recurvirostra: Hermit Thrush vocalizing 6/21/15
Recurvirostra: Three-Toed at nest 6/21/2015
Recurvirostra: Cry of the Swainson's Hawk 6/19/2015
Recurvirostra: Three-Toed Chick 6/21/2015
Recurvirostra: Black Terns mobbing a Redtail
Recurvirostra: Where were we? 6/19/15
Recurvirostra: Swainson's Hawk - 6/19/15
Recurvirostra: Grasshopper Sparrow - 6/19/15
Recurvirostra: A nice day - 6/19/15
Recurvirostra: Lunchtime in Sprague, WA
Recurvirostra: Eastern Kingbird - 6/19/15
Recurvirostra: Face on the Moon after use by Bank Swallows
Recurvirostra: Sprague STP - 6/19/15
Recurvirostra: White Pelican - 6/19/15
Recurvirostra: Camp 6/19/15
Recurvirostra: Cowbirds 6/20/15
Recurvirostra: Tree Swallow 6/20/15
Recurvirostra: Calliope 6/20/15