Mike Dunn NC: Chipmunk
Mike Dunn NC: Blue Flag Iris grouping
Mike Dunn NC: Box Turtle
Mike Dunn NC: Cardinal flower
Mike Dunn NC: Bullfrog
Mike Dunn NC: Swamp in Fall 3
Mike Dunn NC: Swamp in Fall 2
Mike Dunn NC: Swamp 2
Mike Dunn NC: Spotted salmander eggs in net
Mike Dunn NC: Spotted salamander eggs on grass
Mike Dunn NC: Freshly laid spotted salamander egg mass
Mike Dunn NC: Spring Peeper calling
Mike Dunn NC: Blood root
Mike Dunn NC: Barred Owl on grape vine
Mike Dunn NC: American Toad calling
Mike Dunn NC: Green Treefrog in fork of tree branch
Mike Dunn NC: Green treefrog on branch
Mike Dunn NC: Pawpaw flowers
Mike Dunn NC: Green Treefrog in knot hole
Mike Dunn NC: Green treefrog in cattails
Mike Dunn NC: Prothonotary warbler at nest cavity
Mike Dunn NC: Hummingbird moth at bee balm
Mike Dunn NC: Ruby-throated Hummingbird feeding at Cardinal Flower
Mike Dunn NC: Eastern Tiger Swallowtail butterfly
Mike Dunn NC: Carolina anole
Mike Dunn NC: Belted Kingfisher ready to dive
Mike Dunn NC: Belted Kingfisher
Mike Dunn NC: Belted Kingfisher with tree branches
Mike Dunn NC: Pawpaw flowers from underneath
Mike Dunn NC: Carolina anole backlit