Mike Dunn NC: Eastern Bluebird at dogwood berry feeding station
Mike Dunn NC: Carolina chickadee in sleet storm
Mike Dunn NC: Hermit thrush eating dogwood berry
Mike Dunn NC: Hermit thrush on cold gray day
Mike Dunn NC: American goldfinch in partial molt
Mike Dunn NC: Pine warbler
Mike Dunn NC: Carolina wren
Mike Dunn NC: American goldfinch
Mike Dunn NC: Prothonotary warbler male at nest cavity
Mike Dunn NC: Prothonotary warbler male with beak full of bugs
Mike Dunn NC: Cedar waxwing
Mike Dunn NC: Norther cardinal male at feeder
Mike Dunn NC: Hairy woodpecker
Mike Dunn NC: Red-bellied woodpecker male
Mike Dunn NC: American goldfinch male at feeder
Mike Dunn NC: American robin and reflection
Mike Dunn NC: Norther cardinal male with caterpillar
Mike Dunn NC: American goldfinch eating grass seeds
Mike Dunn NC: Great blue heron head shot
Mike Dunn NC: Barred owl
Mike Dunn NC: Laughing gull
Mike Dunn NC: American oystercatcher
Mike Dunn NC: Red-bellied woodpecker female head shot
Mike Dunn NC: Yellow-throated vireo fledgling
Mike Dunn NC: Ruby-throated hummingbird male
Mike Dunn NC: Barred owl juvenile
Mike Dunn NC: Brown pelican immature
Mike Dunn NC: Hooded merganser female head shot
Mike Dunn NC: Great egret head shot
Mike Dunn NC: Prothonotary warbler male